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Due to the delicate nature of the milk pick-up schedule, orders have to be placed no later than Thursday.


Sometimes, we have "extra" yogurts for sale. Please email to find out.


At this time of year, it is uncertain whether or not goats milk will be available. If this happens, we will let you know and give you the option to switch to cow milk. 


Skip the fuss! We can prepared Bravo GcMAF Probiotic Yogurt for you and send it overnight on ice. Protected by deep violet Miron Glass, the product stays longer and stronger. (IMO) The half liter (2 cups) lasts about 1 month.


Designed specifically to create GcMAF to turn on the gut, digestion, cellular energy and reclaim your ability to gracefully and easily move the heavy emotions. It is Mimi's opinion that GcMAF both removing and preventing diseases by helping our gut tissue (us) to be champion energy movers!


You will need to make specific options:

Choose your milk taste preference, cow or goat.  (It does not effect the GcMAF). The cow has a more gelatinous texture. Goat milk is very difficult to get right now, because there is a reduction or stoppage until spring babies come.  We are doing our best to find other farms to help us.


In the comment section:

1.  Leave your phone number; in case we need to contact you regarding last minute changes. 

2.  Confirm that you are okay with the delivery date listed on the product line above. (It will be okay until you get home from work) Some people put a cooler out by their mailbox or leave instructions. 

3. Raw milk is approved for animal and agriculture use only by the FDA. (agree you got this disclaimer)

4.  The Prepared Bravo yogurt is a fragile, perishable item! We don't replace damaged or lost product.


Remember, that the Bravo Yogurt preparation is a "favor" and a privilidge really and our system works very well.  We found an inexpensive method that we could accomplish with USPS 1-day Priority Express mail.  The cost is $24.94 per shipping envelope and we can only fit one. Look for it in the check out on the shipping page. 


If you order more than one, you will have to order one postage for each.  When you get to shipping, you can choose the first one.  But If you need more, you can look for the facing on the shop page for "extra shipping" and look for the picture of the guy with the orange shirt.  Here you can look for the amount of $24.94 and pick as many as you need for your order. :)


We can fit a few things in at the sides but not many.  1-2 bottles of Bravo Protocol or some extra powders will fit.


Weather makes a big difference for our quality shipping experience.  We need that 1-day service for the optimal delivery.  If it goes to the second day, so far, it has been okay because it is yogurt which has some resiliency to keep things fresh over night (say for 1,000s of years this has been going on).  


We don't accept Priority Mail or free shipping over $400 for this product and we also have the right to refuse delivery to any address that the USPS can't provide 1-day service.  There is a little bit of room when the weather is good but we need that extra cushion in case the delivery is delayed.


We love happy customers and we do our best to keep you that way.  With this product, we ask you to help by being there to pick it up so that it doesn't spoil in the hot sun on a porch some where, or freeze the microbes as well.  Therefore, we send you an email of all the little things that you need to be mindful of and ask you kindly to mind them.  And finally, when we make the shipping label we will notify you if the USPS doesn't ship there in 1-day.  You may need to find another address near by to ship it that has better service.

Bravo Prepared GcMAF Yogurt 🐐 *Goat's Milk*- Delivers Tue Aug 6th ❤️ $72+ship

  • This option is for freshly prepared Bravo Living Probiotic Yogurt made from the highest quality milk you could imagine. It is shipped on ice over night and in your hands with seamless effortlessness. 


    We use raw goat's milk from a small family farm here in Central Florida called The Heart of Christmas Farms. (Christmas is also the name of the town.) The goats are part of the family and have a sense of pride in their work of making milk in a manageable way.


    The culturing is done immediately after the fresh milk is obtained and it is packed on ice and driven to the shipping facility.  All activities are scheduled to get it to you as fast and as fresh as it gets. (Read more about it's journey) 


    Due to the delicate nature of the milk pick-up schedule, orders have to be placed no later than Thursday. Milk pick-up and culturing are on Sunday and shipping goes out on Monday.  You get it Tuesday by 3 PM (make sure to choose the over night option, Padded envelope $24.45, in shipping cart and your best address to get it as fast as possible.) 


    The proteins in fresh raw milk are intact.  Keep in mind that the FDA approves raw milk only for use in agriculture and for pets.  If you had a very large pet, the dosage would be 1-2 TBS per dose, 2 times per day.  You might want to start at 1/4 tsp and work up to 1-2 TBS.  (Read more about what to expect)


    Colostrum serves as food for the beneficial bacteria. It is also a helpful stabilizer of our immune systems. To make a second generation batch, you will need more colostrum powder. Check out the instructions in our FAQ and order some colostrum on our shop page for sale so you have the option to explore once you love the product!


    As you use Bravo Living Probiotic Yogurt, you will recognize that it is moving toxins out of the smooth muscle tissue and you begin letting go, (probably because the Bravo feels safe and dependable.) At this point, if not from the beginning, you will want to be taking Bravo Protocol to help the blood and lymph move the toxins and the minerals to support the smooth tissue's strength.

    Find Bravo Protocol on our shop page (we have Bravo Protocol Xtra also!) and take 1 cap x 2 times daily.

    Remember to leave the light on and keep that Bravo refreshed and vital within you. The Bravo Living Probiotic Yogurt provides me with a graceful and healthful state of being. I am sure it will for you too.

  • Prepared Bravo GcMAF Probiotic Yogurt is shipped to you overnight on ice and needs to be refrigerated within a few hours of receiving it. The yogurt cultures at room temperature.

    If you are purchasing one order, please choose the Express Padded option for $24.45. We are okay with shipping to other addresses. Please let us know if you are shipping to a different address by putting it the note section in your shopping cart, by sending an email, or by giving us a call at 321-747-5517.


    Due to the nature of things that we can't control, we cannot honor returns or refunds for any reason (including breakage) for prepared Bravo GcMAF Prepared Yogurt.  We can't control the heat of the trucks, the temperature of your front porch, etc. Things can go wrong but they haven't so far, (we have had one break, one snowstorm delay, one rookie move where the post office was closed the next day, delays have not damaged the product in all cases.)


    If you have any concerns about shipping, the milk, the taste, and whether you will like it, etc, please check out the Bravo GcMAF Probiotic Starter - 3 pack. You are going to make it yourself so that you are assured that it is the way that you want it!

Please, Consult your doctor before using any products or instructions found within this site.

​VISIT Bravo Coop:

Healthy Energetics

3650 Belle Arbor Cir

Titusville, FL 32780

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