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The Travel Jar is 100ml. It is the perfect size for traveling. It can hold 6.5 Tablespoons or 20 teaspoons. 


The 1/2 liter size jar (empty) fits the 1/2 pack and 2 cups of milk. (Great for single people, impaired lifting, and beginning)

Miron Glass and Bravo Probiotic are a great combination. The glass looks black but it is a deep purple when held up to strong sun. It keeps it's contents much stronger and stays fresh longer. It is "charging" glass and generates energy.
When making the DIY powder, you will need two of these to be optimal. This is a safe and graceful way to contain your batch of Bravo Probiotic to keep it effective.

When you get to wanting more Bravo, buy the bigger jar and make it and store it in that. Transfer some to the "local" jar that will be opened more often. Remember, it has a refrigerator shelf life of 4 weeks in this jar, less if using clear glass. Large jars and large amounts of powder don't help if you won't consume them. Do what is right for you and your setting.


The 1 liter jar fits the profile for 1 liter of milk (qt) and the powder ratio for a 1-Pack. You can use the 1 liter jar from start to finish to make your Bravo if you need a lot of product. See the blog post, how to make Bravo Probiotic for details. Miron Glass and Bravo Probiotic are a great combination. The glass looks black but it is a deep purple when held up to strong sun. It keeps it's contents much stronger and stays fresh longer. It is a "charging" glass and generates energy.

When making the DIY powder, you can make a 1-Pack using this 1 liter jar with 4 cups of milk or 1 liter if you have that on your measuring cup. This is a safe and graceful way to contain your batch of Bravo Probiotic and to keep it effective. If you are a single person and your intake is less, use the 1/2 liter jar and the 1/2 Pack of product.


Make sure to order shipping for a medium box. The jar has been sterilized.


                     Our newest Non Dairy Bravo Accessory!

                          FERMENTING CAPS IN 2 SIZES


For thousands of years, wine makers have been using a cork to hold their fermented fruit juices to prevent the gases from expanding and exploding it's vessel.  Non Dairy Bravo has a similar property of creating gases and the instructions tell us to open the jar regularly to allow the gases to escape.  


Today's wine makers and fermenters use an updated cork called a fermenting cap.  Some are especially made for mason jars but I use Miron glass jars to make my Non Dairy Bravo.  Miron glass is a deep purple color that keeps food fresher longer!  (Try it  yourself.  Put some flowers in two jars, 1 miron & 1 plain glass.  Use the same flowers, water and location for each jar.  Enjoy your flowers and see what happens to them.)


When you make your Bravo, I can't think of a more perfect place to keep it than in a Miron Glass jar.  When you are making Non Dairy Bravo, I recommend using a "fermenting vent".  


DIY INSTRUCTIONS:  Buy the vents on Amazon. Drill a 9/16 hole into the lid.  Add your grommet and your fermenting vent.  You are all set.  OR buy them on this page.

Miron Violet Flame Glass

  • The glass that the Bravo comes in is called Miron Glass.  It is deep purple and it is made in the Netherlands.  It seems to be able to contain and hold electro dynamic subtle energy we might call "life force". 

    Everything in nature radiates. This radiation, whether from a human being or biological material, is closely connected to its vital energy. It is impossible to discern this energy optically with the human eye. Then the scientist Dr. Dieter Knapp further developed a form of electrographic photography which was initially discovered by a Ukrainian couple named Kirlian and which made photography of energy fields possible. Using this advanced technique, dried Spirulina algae of the same quality was packed in different containers, stored for four weeks and then photographed. Advanced Kirlian photography by Dr. Dieter Knapp

    he sample stored in MIRON violetglass (figure B) displayed an intense and dynamic energy field. In contrast, the quality of the energy from Spirulina stored in amber glass (figure A) or plastic had clearly changed and showed a less valuable emission pattern.

    Please see the figures A & B in the blog post. HERE.

  • Miron Glass is returnable for store credit considering that the jar and cap are not damaged.  The returning party is responsible for the postage.

Please, Consult your doctor before using any products or instructions found within this site.

VISIT Bravo Coop:

Healthy Energetics

3650 Belle Arbor Cir

Titusville, FL 32780

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