This is a 13-Pack of Bravo GcMAF Starter Powders.
We offer to you as Bravo Coop customers with our volume discount!
For long term storage, keep them in the fridge.The expiration date is generally 1 year.
Bravo GcMAF Probiotic Starter Kit Retail - 13 pack
This is the $400 "Kit" sold at BravoUSA with a discount to you from the BravoCoop.
This starter is part of our Stock Order Plan and the price will go down as our volume goes up. Thank you for your support!
We have a stock order at the end of the month. The prices are lower because together we pool our sales and get volume discounts. The order closes at the end of the month and the order is shipped to us. We notify you when we expect to receive it and then ship it out to you. As you know, we are not in control of these shipping times.
We cannot honor returns or refunds for any reason. We can't control the heat of the trucks, the temperature of your front porch, etc. This is a living probiotic and needs to be refrigerated once you receive it. Please let us know if you have any questions about our return policy.
Gather utensils:
- stirring and tasting spoons (tasting spoons are to taste the yogurt after it has been cultured)
- spatula
- thermometer (can be any type of thermometer, you need this to measure the temp of the boiling milk AND to measure the temp of the yogurt to ensure it reaches the optimal 95 degrees for culturing)
- measuring cup for milk
- pyrex vessel to heat milk (does not have to be pyrex, this is what you are going to be putting inside the boiling pot of water, AFTER YOU STERILIZE everything.
- pot of boiling water (this is to sterilize your utensils & then you will need to use the boiling water to heat the milk)
- foil to cover pyrex (this is to put on your yogurt while culturing, you want air flow but not too much to let bacteria in. You would put the foil over the bowl after you finish boiling the milk, mixing in the powder, and it is ready to culture)
Gather ingredients:
- Milk (the only rule for milk is that it is not ultra pasteurized. We have a blog post on our "Blog" page)
- Starting powder (the 3 packages, Bifidobacteria and yeast (small white envelope), Lactobacillia (foil packet) and Colostrum (large white envelope.)
- Sterilize utensils and pyrex bowl by boiling 15 mins. (All new BravoCoop jars have been sterilized by boiling. Caps will melt so boil only for a few mins!) You simply boil the water and place all utensils and the bowl/jar that you are going to use to culutre your Bravo in. Plastic will melt in boiling water, please be aware. Don't leave the plastic in for long, just swish it around.
- Using a 1 pack, put the 4.25 cups of milk into a double boiler or pan.
Place your milk in a pyrex bowl inside a pot with boiling water. It is basically the concept of a double boiler if you do not have one at home.
Use your thermometer to measure when the milk gets to 162 degrees.
Or if no thermometer, until small bubbles start to first rise at sides.
- Cool the milk down for 10 mins in ice bath or let it sit until 95 degrees.
- Skim off the skin that has formed. (once or twice)
- Mix the 3 packets of powder, in a small cup with a bit of milk, working out the lumps.
- Put the vessel of milk to “culture” at 95 degrees with a stable heat source in oven with light on calibrated for 100 (open door with a wooden spoon) proofing setting or warming drawer on oven (test it with a thermometer first) in a yogurt machine calibrated for 100 degrees
Using insulation to maintain heat. Such as thermos, cooler, foam.
Culture it covered with a loose cover. Foil, cheese cloth, glass lids loosely laid, even silicone covers but is should have some gas exchange for the culturing process.
95 degrees for 12 hours OR
between 70-85 degrees for 24 to 48 hours
- Refrigerate
- After a few hours of chilling, I transfer it into Miron glass.
- Lasts for 2 - 21/2 weeks in normal storage vessels or 4 weeks in Miron glass jar.