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Order Desk: 321-747-5517 (fastest) (best for Mimi)
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​How do I
place an order?
You can call, email, text, send a snail mail & a check, or go online. If your order is for Prepared Bravo Probiotic, our day to pick up raw milk at the dairy is on Sunday. We culture and deliver on Monday. The "Prepared Bravo" is how most people start. They then have a "model" of how it is, however, you can also buy and make the powder.
For the protocol, you will need Bravo Protocol in caps or powder, and you might want to buy the small bottle of Colostrum so you can make and sample a "2nd gen" batch & save money.
& Shipping
We ship Prepared Bravo on Mondays by USPS Priority Express Overnight for $24.45. The package arrives by 12 noon or by 3PM the next day depending on your service area.
Only two other small bottles can fit in the Prepared Bravo Probiotic package. They are usually Bravo Protocol and Colostrum. Make sure that your delivery address is one that is convenient for you to pick up and refridgerate ASAP.
If you are not buying the Prepared Bravo, and are buying products or powders, your package can go out either by USPS Priority for $7.20 or Overnight for $24.45 as you prefer.
If you are buying a jar (or two) your package will need a medium sized box with 2-day shipping for $13.60.
Secure Ordering
& Payment Options
Don't want to use Paypal at checkout? No problem! Follow these easy steps to ensure you pay with a Debit or Credit card.
How to Purchase through Bravo Coop without Paypal
Go to
Click on the “shop” tab
Click on the product(s) you would like to purchase.
Click “add to cart.”
Click “view cart.”
Click “checkout with Paypal”
Put in the state where you are shipping from
Then click “continue.”
Choose your delivery option
Then click “continue.”
Click “check out with Paypal”
Click the gray box that says “Pay with debit or credit card”
Those are the steps to follow if you do not want to check out with paypal.
& Refunds
We do not gaurentee the freshness of Prepared Bravo Probiotic or the Bravo starter kit. This is a living product. We can say that it is fresh when it leaves us but we can't control things like
1. the accuracy of your delivery address,
2. time of pick up after delivery
3. Temperature of delivery vehicles
4. when you refridgerate it.
We will make no refunds if you get it and don't like it. So no refunds.
For more information, see the blog post about Culture and Delivery times in Resources